EU Energy Policy: Towards Carbon Neutrality or Fragility??
Energy has become one of the most important issues in both domestic and international politics, largely because of the climate change, but also the traditional geopolitics is still relevant. The European Union has set the ambitious target of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Carbon-free energy production is an integral part of the solution, but is the EU on the road towards carbon neutrality yet or not? What kind of geopolitical and technological risks are involved in the energy systems of today and in the future?
This very topical booklet by WMCES and Kompassi provides some food for thought for decision-makers and anyone who is interested on what is arguably the most complex system on earth: energy networks.
Contributors include Dimitar Lilkov (WMCES), Rauli Partanen (Think Atom), Timo Lehtimäki (Suomen Erillisverkot oy), Sami Karhu (Pellervo Coop Center) and Tapio Luoma-aho (Kompassi).
Download the full publication here: